ANCIT provides a wide range of AUTOSAR services to help different Stakeholders of the Automotive Industry like OEMs, TIER1 Companies, Service Providers, and the Semiconductor Industry. ANCIT is an AUTOSAR Development Partner with AUTOSAR Consortium


  • PoC development to validate the Application Software Component, Sensors, and microcontrollers and finalize the requirement of the stack.
  • Interface Board Design to connect the Microcontroller hardware to the Sensors.
  • Designing the ECUC, System Extract, and Diagnostics Requirements for the project; preparing the database file for same.
  • Tools Development services like AUTOSAR Application Authoring tool, Arxml Viewer etc.

Tier1 Companies and Service Providers

  • Technical Consulting services for BSW Stack development and Integration
  • L1 Support to fix challenges faced by teams.

Semi-Conductor Industry

  • MCAL development for hardware as per AUTOSAR standard.
  • Tools for MCAL Generation



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